I have been working with a prayer counselor for over a year now to work on what could be termed soul-healing. While I have discussed in previous articles about what fragments are and why they are important to address, I have not as of yet discussed how to heal them when you don’t have a prayer-partner available to help. The benefit of this for me is that I can accelerate the integration process, using the work I do with my counselor as a base to pursue further prayer work on my own. Thus, I will attempt to explain my own process of fragment self-healing.

When I first learned about and started working in this area, I realized I had already done some self-healing fragment work but didn’t know at the time that I was working with fragments. All I knew was that what I saw in the spirit seemed to be effective so I would do it from time to time with no terminology for it. Since then I have developed a slightly more defined method that works well for me, and hopefully it will work well for you. If not, my hope is that it provides some insight that you can use to develop your own method.

I used to begin by imagining a large space with a platform in the center. On that platform was a pillar of gold or blue light, with a small version of me in the middle. I view this as my “core self”. fragment self-healing alters DID dissociative identity disorder  I would envision lots of people standing outside the pillar–other versions or aspects of myself that needed to be brought into unity and wholeness. I would then mentally intend or will for those fragments to line up and walk up the steps of the platform and into the light. As they would walk into the pillar, they would be sucked inside my image of my core self. One of the things that surprised me when I did this was just how many fragments were milling around outside the light pillar–hundreds, possibly more. Even when I had them line up and integrate, there were usually still many more that wouldn’t get in line and join together.

This was one of the things that showed me I was on to something. Typically, when I daydream and imagine something, I am fully in control of what happens because it is all inside my mind. When I engage spiritual reality, not everything responds according to my will simply because there are other sentient beings involved whose choices I can’t control. In this case, those fragments who chose not to integrate were those who were either not ready or not willing to do so. I would at times try to make them integrate, but that only worked minimally as I could sense them fighting against me.

Fast forward years later, I still use an integration method that is similar, but I have added a few components. First, while I still make use of a “fragment plain”–the open space filled with fragments–I have changed the way I visualize the location. Now I often imagine myself in the throne room of God with the fragments and my core self in front of the Father. Jesus is there and I ask Him and the angels to help me integrate the fragments, which they do. I begin by asking Jesus to separate all the fragments who are ready to integrate at this moment, and to have them come join my core self. Then I ask the angels to minister to all of the fragments who are close to being ready, but who aren’t quite there yet. As I do this, and give it a few minutes, sometimes they will choose to integrate as well. Finally, I ask Jesus to work on the ones who aren’t ready–and most especially to reveal Himself to the fragments that don’t know Him.

The most recent time I did fragment self-healing was while driving to work. For some this may seem dangerous but I have become accustomed to engaging the visionary realm while doing other activities, so it was relatively safe and easy for me. What surprised me was that on this particular occasion as I began to have the fragments integrate, I began to cry. This is significant to me because I have found when working with fragments that crying indicates healing and integration. In the natural our bodies release tears when negative emotional energies are released, and the physical composition of our tears are different from when we have something in our eye. Thus, when I found myself crying it further confirmed to me that this method actually works and isn’t a figment of my imagination.

The main benefit of self-integration is that I don’t have to wait for someone else. Jesus is the Master-healer and if I let Him guide the session it tends to be effective. Previously when I didn’t understand what I was doing I tried to force the fragments to integrate via my will, and while it worked for some, there were others that simply wouldn’t respond and nothing I did could make them. When Jesus loves them into submission, they willingly go where He leads, and as He is the Good Shepherd, they are able to trust Him with their safety and well-being when it comes time to integrate.

The other important thing about being Spirit-led in this process, and letting Jesus run the show, is that He will often do more than I expect. Most recently He took three fragments with Him that He indicated needed special attention–and far more help than I was going to be able to provide them on my own. From what I was able to discern, these particular fragments were under heavy demonic bondage. He assured me that in the right time He would integrate them with me, but that He was going to do a deep work in them and set them free.

If fragment self-healing is something you are interested in or have been seeking, consider trying the method laid out above. If the idea of using the throne room of God doesn’t work for you, try another location. The fragment plain is always a good option, and you can fill it with healing power and glory light in prayer before you assemble your fragments there. The benefit of the light pillar is that it acts as a protective mechanism for your core self–keeping it inside the pillar and having the other fragments come to it is an act of submission and/or subservience, which really just ensures that no other personalities take over during the integration process. While it is not extremely common, it can happen, so the protective screen seems prudent to me.

If you try this out, consider commenting and sharing your experiences below.  Share what worked, what didn’t work, and any new things you learn along the way. If you have another method that works well for you, share that as well–because I firmly believe when we share what we know, together we grow. Blessings!

These techniques I used are now available with additional techniques and advice in my new coauthored book Broken to Whole: Inner Healing for the Fragmented Soul .  In this book you will learn not only how to identify fragmented parts of your soul and spirit that need healing and integration, but you will uncover why and how they got broken to begin with, as well as what problems they have been causing in your life.  I believe that many readers will find a light-bulb goes on in their minds as they read this book.  You will begin to uncover contributing spiritual factors behind frustrating life patterns, physical ailments, and more, as well as techniques and solutions on how to fix them.  I encourage you to pick up a copy of Broken To Whole today to kick-start and accelerate your healing journey.

For those interested in additional help, you can use the “Fragment Finder” flower essence by Freedom Flowers as an adjunct. alongside the book to help move your emotional healing journey forward even faster.




  1. Vickie Backus

    What is the difference between an alter and a fragment?

  2. RevealingTheSons

    I know very little about soul fragments and did not know anything about them until within the last few months. I mostly have questions. How many fragments do you think you have had in total to be re-integrated? And how many do you think you still have to be integrated? Do you think you are getting close to being whole? Do you think you are to a point where no new fragments are being made? Do people have on average about the same amount of fragments?

    • Michael King

      I would guess I have integrated hundreds–although I think in some instances one particular part might have played such a minor role that if I never integrated it I would still never notice a tangible difference. But when you add a bunch of “insignificant” parts together, quantity makes up for it.

      I do believe I am getting closer to whole, but I can tell there is still a good bit of work left.

      I can’t say as to whether new ones are being made or not, but typically far less of them are made in adult life due to better coping mechanisms that don’t exist as children. As for an average–I would guess there isn’t one and it varies depending on the person and their personality, their environment, and other spiritual factors as well.

    • Michael King

      I will say that I believe we the Church are learning more about them as a whole and as we learn more we will find better ways to reach wholeness more quickly and easily. The method I use with my prayer counselor is slow but effective, and my method is probably faster by far but I would imagine it is less effective on certain parts that would otherwise respond much better to the method we use in prayer-counseling.

  3. RevealingTheSons

    I do love the masks photo for your blog, very fitting.

    • Michael King

      Thanks. 🙂 I thought so too.

  4. Linda Blansett

    Thank you for sharing. I just read your post and haven’t tried it it but want to..I appreciate you sharing. We are learning together. 😀

    • Michael King

      My pleasure! Let me know what you find when you try it out!


  1. DID Self-Healing: Integrating Fragments and Alters - Praying Medic - […] Today’s guest blogger is my friend Michael King, who shares his experiences with self-healing and integrating alters and fragments…
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