To Raise or Not to Raise

To Raise or Not to Raise

As I go through life, I occasionally chance upon an opportunity to try to raise the dead.  In most cases the body is an animal, but at times an opportunity presents itself with a human as well.  Whether man or beast, a primary issue that comes up is whether or not to...
The Risk in Resurrection

The Risk in Resurrection

Some of you may have seen my Facebook status update from yesterday talking about a baby mouse we were trying to save, and that it died. We had found a small litter of mice in a friend’s car and the mother seemingly ran away in fear, abandoning them. My stepdaughter...
Spirit of a Dead Child

Spirit of a Dead Child

Today’s article is written by a guest, Melody Paasch, a teacher, prophet and dream interpreter.   In 2012, a ministry partner and I were in South Africa. We had been placed to rest in a large Guest House in the wine country for a week or so. We were...