Back in the early 2000’s I first heard about gemstones appearing supernaturally from heaven, brought in some cases by angels. I began to ask the Lord to let me experience this miracle myself. Roughly ten years later, in 2013, I was blessed to begin to experience gemstones appearing from heaven for myself, and it has sent me on a journey of further provoking faith for the impossible.

Since my book Gemstones From Heaven was first published in August of 2015, I have continued to pursue these types of miracles to chronicle them in my God Signs book series. The second book in the series, Feathers from Heaven, was published a year later in August of 2016, and shares scriptures, stories, and my own encounters with this particular heavenly manifestation. I have other books in the series on gold and gold dust, heavenly oil, and manna from heaven that are all in various stages of being written.

While it might seem a fruitless pursuit to some, and one that takes people’s focus off of Jesus, I have a different perspective. I believe that through enjoying and engaging the gifts that He gives us, God provokes us to have faith for the impossible.

A friend once shared a dream with me, and in this dream, she and a group of people were in a period of economic hardship and religious persecution. They took the gemstones they had received supernaturally and used them to trade for things they needed. When I say “trade”, they weren’t bartering with other humans—they were trading with heaven. The gemstones were the “evidence of things hoped for and substance of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)”, and in the dream, they used these miracle jewels to access heaven’s supply in their times of need.

I believe that when we engage our faith for the impossible, we become better equipped to manifest God’s solutions into the practical problems of this world. In fact, I believe that almost all miracles are practical and are meant to solve problems and that our faith plays a major role in miracles being released into the earth.

Right now in Georgia, there is a bible that is flowing with oil. It began over a year ago, and thousands of vials of oil have been given to those who are hungry for God to move in their lives. While the oil itself is not a mystical object with special powers, it is appearing miraculously, and that oil is being used to anoint people and pray over them, and many are getting healed. Multiple accounts of cancers being healed have even been reported. You can read more about the oil here and watch a compilation of videos on the subject here. God is using this oil miracle to enliven the faith of His people, and as a result, they are believing God for the impossible, and are seeing the impossible happen.

Sometimes it seems silly to believe for seemingly-impossible things, but when the impossible starts to actually happen, something changes inside of us. When we step out in faith, our faith grows. The parable of the mustard seed of faith wasn’t about having little to no faith—it was about a growth process to expand our faith.

Personally, I have been praying for years for leaves from the tree of life. Think about what that would look like. Imagine being in a church meeting, or even in a Bible study in someone’s home, and beautiful leaves begin to float down from the ceiling or appear on the surfaces around you, and a sweet aroma fills the air. As you pick up one of these leaves, the allergies that have been plaguing you evaporate, and the nagging nerve pain in your low back vanishes instantly. Imagine bringing a leaf home to your sick spouse, who hasn’t spent a pain-free day in years. He or she takes it gently in their hands, and as they hold it, you see the lines of tension on their face soften, and fade away. They get up and start doing things they haven’t been able to do in years, and laughter begins to fill the house once again. This seems far-fetched to some, but Revelation 22:2 says that, “. . . the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” Nations are made up of large quantities of people, so leaves that are meant to heal the nations are made for you and me.

Bread and manna miracles in the Bible were an act of God’s provision for His people. Jesus changed the water to wine to provide for people. When the jar flowed with oil supernaturally in 2 Kings 4, it was to provide for God’s people. When Moses struck the rock and it flowed with water, that again was the provision of God for His chosen ones. God wants us to experience miracles, and He is doing it on purpose as a way of provoking faith for the impossible. After all, if we can believe that leaves or feathers or jewels will appear supernaturally, is it really that hard for God to fix a marriage, or finances, addition problems, or incurable diseases? It’s time for us to raise the bar of our faith a bit higher and believe for the impossible.

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